
How Do You Wash Your Hands? A Look at Simple Hand Washing Stations

As we all know, washing our hands is very important.  This is especially true when you’re working with food, have just used the toilet, or are caring for children.  Washing our hands removes bacteria and pathogens and is a key part of keeping ourselves and our loved ones healthy, especially our children.  People all over the world wash their hands, but depending on where you are in the world the experience may be very different.  I’m fortunate to live somewherecontinue reading

Nothing in the Toilet – Sanitation Coverage in Colombia

Nothing in the Toilet – Sanitation Coverage in Colombia

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Colombia, and the issues the country faces with water coverage.  If you missed the post you can read it here.  This week I’ll shift from water, and instead take a look at the state of sanitation in Colombia. First, let me talk about what I saw on a recent trip to the country. Like I said in my post about water in Colombia, as a tourist not there to specifically look intocontinue reading

Celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day with the Padini!

Happy Menstrual Hygiene Day! Today is a very important day for women and girls all over the world, and a day to break the silence surrounding menstrual hygiene. Menstrual hygiene is an important topic because without it girls cannot go to school during their period, women cannot go to work during their period, and neither girls nor women can be themselves when they have to hide their period every month. When girls can’t go to school, and women can notcontinue reading

Got Toilets? Benefits of the Rural Sanitation Mart

Got Toilets?  Benefits of the Rural Sanitation Mart

Happy New Year to everyone, and I hope it’s been a good one so far!  I’m going to start out this year by talking about sanitation and a type of business that is helping people to gain access to improved sanitation and hygiene, the Rural Sanitation Mart (RSM).  But first, let’s talk about why RSMs are even needed. Maybe some of you are sitting on your porcelain throne right now as you’re reading this, but unfortunately 2.5 billion people worldwidecontinue reading


In part 1 I gave a brief introduction into what SLTS is and its objectives as well as talking about the different components of SLTS.  If you missed part 1 you can read it here.  Today I’m going to write about the strategy used for SLTS. One thing that I wanted to say, and that I may have mentioned last time, is that I’m not entirely in agreement about some of the strategy used with SLTS.  Basically, the SLTS strategycontinue reading

A Different Approach: School-Led Total Sanitation – Part 1

As of 2011, sanitation coverage worldwide was at 64%.  With a worldwide population of just over seven billion this means that two and a half billion people still do not have access to improved sanitation facilities.  Of these people, just over one billion still practice open defecation.  Lack of proper sanitation and hygiene often leads to poor health and polluted water, which in turn leads to less production, less time in school, and many deaths worldwide. One methodology that iscontinue reading

Water Heroes : Anjali Sarker and Toilet+

Water Heroes : Anjali Sarker and Toilet+

Is there a monster under my bed?  Or maybe something lurking in my closet?  Probably not, but for a child growing up in a developed country these are the kinds of fears that can rule their bedtime.  Silly? Yes, and as a child grows up they will realize that it was all in their mind.  Anjali Sarker had a different fear growing up, and one that was actually based in reality.  While growing up in a rural Bangladeshi village Anjali’scontinue reading

Saving Lives with Community-Led Total Sanitation

Without water people cannot survive, but without good sanitation and hygiene practices the water available could become contaminated and lead to disease and death.  Every year 1.5 million people, most of them children, die from complications associated with diarrhea that they picked up from dirty water.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 88% of diarrhea cases worldwide are linked to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation or insufficient hygiene.  Diarrhea is caused by bacteria that get into the water system, andcontinue reading

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