Meet Merlis

This week I’m happy to introduce you to Merlis Gusman, the woman in the blue shirt. I was able to sit down with Merlis at the small daycare she runs in Candelaria Arriba, Colombia. She expressed that the water situation is very hard for her for two reasons. The first being that she needs a lot of water for the kids, for cleaning, drinking, etc., and collecting the water takes a lot of time and effort.

The second reason is that the kids sometimes get sick, especially the younger ones, from drinking the dirty water. They had a ceramic filter for a long time, and it worked great, but then a part broke, and they don’t have the money to fix it. She said that it would make her feel so much better if she had one or two filters so she would know that the kids are drinking healthy, clean water.

And we’re going to make that happen! Stay tuned, and next week I’ll share how you can help Merlis, the kids at her daycare, and everyone in Candelaria Arriba!




Meet Merlis
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