Virtual Sun and Water Conference – April 17-18

I’m pleased to invite you to this year’s Sun and Water Conference being put on by CoCoDA, one of the partners on our Nicaragua project. This will be a virtual gathering of Central American community leaders and North American supporters to explore the incredible potential of using solar power to bring clean, affordable and sustainable water to rural Central Americans.

The 2021 Central American Sun and Water Conference will highlight what they’ve learned about solar-powered water systems, connect Central American community leaders with North American supporters, and introduce two shovel-ready, solar-powered water projects in need of funding in 2022.

This year’s conference will include two days of live interaction with leaders in El Salvador and Nicaragua as well as the staff and engineers of CoCoDA, a virtual tour of the Zacamil Dos solar-powered water project, two sessions on the advantages of solar power, best practices in system management, and water system sustainability by Ryan Zaricki, Solar Engineer, and opportunities to interact and develop international partnerships and collaborations.

Transportation and lunch costs for Central American participants will be covered. North American participants are asked to pay a $20 conference registration fee.

For more information, and to register, please visit

Virtual Sun and Water Conference – April 17-18

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